Yesterday I was wearing daisy dukes and flipping my hair over my shoulder like I was ALL THAT.
Now I am all that, and I have no hair to flip. Courtesy of the world's worst haircut. (So bad, that this is the first you are hearing of it, and there will be no pictures to prove my point).
Today my niece had on a pair of daisy dukes, oh, I'm sure they are called something waaaaaaay cooler these days, like "phat shorts" or "fo' shizzle shorts" or whatever, but they were similar to what I wore, just a few short years ago in my teens.
Only, I filled mine out quite amply...
ANYWAY! I about had a coronary when I saw her. Those things are SHORT. That's how old I have gotten without noticing.
Avee wanted to "see the birthday", when I told her it was my birthday. I showed her some crows feet, stretch marks, and love handles. She was about as happy about them as I am. I'm more gracious about it though, when she saw them, she cried. I hear that sister, I hear that.
When I was younger I always thought the "I'm happy, I'm healthy, and I have my family" line was so cheesy. And lame. But now that's me. I couldn't be happier. I could be skinnier, and that might make me happier, but I feel like I couldn't be happier. I have a family I adore and they are with me today. My house is usually messy and it'll take another 32 years before I can get a handle on that, but I'm okay with that. Visitors who have to shift piles of laundry to sit on Cheeto crumbs on my couch might not be okay with it, but that's okay too.
This morning I got lots of cards and presents and my sister took me to breakfast and I got an ENTIRE Cheesecake Factory cheesecake delivered to my door. If you've read my blog(s) for any length of time, you will probably not fail to notice the consistent tendency for my good friends to send or bring me food. I cannot tell a lie. There is no greater gift. There is probably a direct correlation between that and having love handles or wishing I was skinnier, but I'm really not that big of a correlater, so I can't be sure.

I got this VERY cool magnet from my sister and my niece. They gave it to me last night because they couldn't wait. I'm glad they couldn't, I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. It pays to be Nobody.
That is all.
Oh, p.s. My astute friend Rebecca wasted no time in telling me I couldn't blog anymore because I had already made a big to-do about being soooooo busy and bereft about moving and whatnot. I would just like to say,
It's my blog, I can do what I want. Even lie.
first again.. and keep on blogging.. enjoy the birthday.. what time are we eating cheesecake!!!
Happy Bertday!!!! ...and rebecca that cheesecake came two hours ago! Gone like a freight train! Not:)
Feliz Anivserario!!!
happy birthday. and those shorts have gotten WAY shorter. i would never have dreamed of wearing things like that. ever. i'm totally serious.
Happy Birthday!
I have been delighted that you have still been able to blog during the moving prep! I thought I was going to have to go without your blog for a couple of weeks. You are hilarious and I can't wait to hear more about the haircut. Certainly, I am sorry to read that you got a bad haircut, but I imagine there is a pretty funny story that goes with it. Or, is it really THAT bad?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! (I'm not quite a day late, yet...)
And I LOVE that magnet. It is perfect.
Have you seen the remake of the "she wears short shorts" commercials? Scarey. :)
It's today????
Happy Birthday to my dear, dear, funny friend Nobody. :)
Hey hey, it's your birfday. We gonna par-tay. like it's your birfday. Drink some kool-aid and pop like it's your birfday.
Happy Birfday!
"Yesterday I was wearing daisy dukes and flipping my hair over my shoulder like I was ALL THAT."
Was that you I saw at our ward picnic yesterday? Wow, I should have come up and introduced myself. Sorry.
Happy Birthday!!! You do do you better than anyone I've met, but then I'm sort of reclusive (you know...blogger...), so maybe somewhere out there there is someone who does you slightly better, but I seriously doubt it. :)
Happy Bertday Nobody!
I think you are all that all the time. But that's just me.
You have a great loving family and friends who love you and send you food.
Yeah. I'll say it's pretty cheesy and true :)
Happy Birthday! Many happy returns of the day!
Happy Birthday, Nobody! I agree that food gifts are some of the best! :)
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